Nouns Esports is submitting this proposal on behalf of Slacks & Kyle from WePlay Esports.
We are Weplay, a globally recognized Esports event company who specialize in creating groundbreaking productions in the world of gaming. From weekly shows with the NFL and top Twitch Streamers, to multi-million dollar Esports events such as the (Emmy Nominated) Dota 2 Animajor, we pride ourselves on making the most memorable and exciting events in Esports.
Now, it's time for Nouns to have one of their very own: THE NOUNSVITATIONAL!
Short and sweet: we believe that an Esports event can take Nouns to new heights. We don't want to just show people some Noggles and call it a day - We want to enact a 3 step mass integration program designed around introducing (and integrating) the esports public at large into Web3, Nouns communities, and furthering the Nouns mission.
We first learned about Nouns after your fantastic Dota 2 team entered the scene, and we got to know a few of the amazing folks over at the Nouns Esports crew. After doing our research on Nouns, we were impressed to find a group of people who were different from the normal Dota 2 Esports sponsors. In a scene plagued by Betting Companies, Scam Coins, and other nefarious evil-doers, it was refreshing to find a group of people using Crypto in a positive way; One that we would be proud to partner with to spread their message. Weplay prides itself on being the best in our industry and working with the best in their industry, and we believe that this project would be one of those partnerships.
What Nouns Proposals have been doing so far is great, but we believe we can do so much more for the growth of Nouns in the eyes of the general public. Many of your successfully executed Proposals in the past have focused on getting the brand of Nouns out there with general advertising methods of simply "showing the brand". What we offer is not only brand recognition, but brand integration, on a wide and universal scale.
We don't just want people to know what Noggles are. We want people to know about the Nouns mission, the point of a DAO, and to get people who have never heard of Crypto or NFT's (even people who actively dislike them) to see the Web3 world in a positive light by having them actively participate in a system designed around an event that we know they want to watch.
Our idea is simple: get viewers to come for the Dota, and stay for the Nouns. ⌐◨-◨
Creating a custom, interesting Dota Tournament structure with a dual purpose of getting as many viewers as possible to watch due to its innovative nature, world class teams, and Dota's best Talent while also subtly introducing them to a DAO structure in a positive way.
Once they come for the world class Dota, educate them about Nouns with direct, custom created content which Nouns can use forever (Nouns explainers, DAO explainers, Web3 explainers, and even mini-docs about past successful proposals and interviews) which we will play in-between the games to show that Nouns are one of the good guys, and that this system is something they can be a part of
Using a POAP system, and focusing on a "Mini Dota DAO" designed around people who have no idea what Web3 is or don't even have crypto wallets, we aim to make the "scary world of crypto" something that viewers actively participate in both rewarding and fun as they collect Dota 2 themed POAPs during the event. By utilizing in-game systems, viewers can even trade these POAPs for digital cosmetics in Dota 2, giving them real value to the average viewer.
The Nounsvitational will be a world class five-day Dota 2 Tournament featuring ten of the top teams worldwide with the best broadcast talent in the Dota scene held from February 14th to February 18th. This will be a Tier 1 Dota 2 event, and the first LAN in DotA since the International World Championships in October. This will be the long-awaited return of Weplay to the Dota 2 scene (voted best Tournament Organizer in the scene, even surpassing Valve, the game's creator itself), and the first non-traditional Custom Game Mode LAN in several years. Suffice it to say, this event is going to be EXTREMELY hype for the average Dota viewer.
Using our custom map makers, we will transform the Dota 2 in-game map to be a Nounish playground, full of memes, references, and general Nouns branding so that millions of viewers will see Nouns during the games themselves. Between the games, we will utilize our content creation skills to produce and air custom Nouns video content, which will educate the viewers on Noun's culture, structure, mission, and past projects.
Held in the Weplay Studio in Los Angeles, we will bring the best teams around the world to play, and invite as many Nouners and Nounsfolk as we can to be part of the audience, for a once in a lifetime exclusive and intimate experience.
The event itself will get people's attention: they will watch for the unique structure and for the world class competition. But our true goal will be to get the viewers to understand and integrate into the Nouns culture while they watch a fantastic event.
Our plan for this is also 3 fold.
We believe that by letting the viewers not just watch the Event, but actively participate in the event with POAP collecting, exchanging, and voting for how to "better the world of Dota" with a Nounish DAO system will achieve the greater purpose of the event. Come for the Dota, Stay for the Nouns.
Total Budget: 799 ETH (at $1200) $958,800
Categorized Breakdown:
Funds would be received by a multi-sig (3/4) and then delivered to Weplay.
Media Day: Feb 13
Group Stage: Feb 14-Feb 15
Playoffs: Feb 16-Feb 18
We are Kyle and Slacks, two prominent Dota 2 talent who also work at Weplay. SirActionSlacks has worked directly with Valve, the creators of Steam and Dota 2 in both Business Development and as an associate producer of The International, the Emmy award-winning 42 million dollar Dota 2 event since 2017. He has also created the only "Alternate Game Mode" events in Dota 2 history, including Midas Mode 1 and 2, Elimination Mode, The Captain's Draft Minor, and many others. While not making Dota 2 events, Slacks enjoys playing Dota 2 pubs and hosting/casting at events as Talent.
Kyle is also a Dota 2 Talent and former successful professional player who has been working to grow the world of Esports at Weplay behind the scenes on dynamic and groundbreaking productions such as the wildly successful Omega League and Dota 2 Animajor, an official Valve major. Kyle's brother was recently on the Nouns Esports team, and now ironically is on Slack's Dota 2 esports team.
As for Weplay, It's difficult to describe a company that prides itself on spectacle in a written format, so check out some of our content!
Augmented Reality Showreel
2021 General Event Showreel
As we said, we are big fans of Nouns and everything you are trying to do in the space. We truly believe that this event will not only be incredible for Nouns, but also be a fantastic and unforgettable experience for the people in the Nouns community that join us live, virtually, and the Dota 2 community at large. We hope you will consider our proposal and would love to have any comments, feedback, and suggestions. We want to build this event for you, but also build it WITH you, to make sure we make it as NOUNISH AS POSSIBLE!
Thank you
Slacks and Kyle
Weplay Esports
Still looking for some more, condensed information? Then please continue reading!
Currently, Dota 2 is the 2nd most played game on Steam, the biggest gaming platform in the world. It reaches a global audience with millions of active players each day, and even more viewers on it's Esports events.
Currently, Dota 2 is experiencing a resurgence of the most viewers and players since 2013!
While most Triple A games and Esports require multi-million dollar fee to enter into the sphere with licensing fees and IP protection, Valve allows anyone to do anything with their games, giving full mod tools to players. This allows us to create a very Nounish event for a game with one of the highest viewership numbers in all of Esports. This event would only be possible in Dota, and Dota is our specialty here at Weplay.
In terms of reach and scale of viewers, the numbers are hard to come by as China and Russia have viewership data that is not easily accessible, but viewership of top events (such as The International and the Weplay Animajor) can reach into the millions from the English audience alone.
For a full breakdown of the Viewership of Weplay's last event, please check out this link
We know the mission of Nouns is to gather together and pool resources to make the world a better place. But, the concept of a DAO and the betterment of society that can be caused their-in is something completely foreign to most people. To help the viewers understand (and subtly advertise the event) we propose creating a "Mini DAO," a system that is modeled after Nouns itself!
The process is simple. At the start of the event, we announce that we will take a percentage of the prize pool and allocate that money to "make Dota 2 better." Then, we will start a Reddit thread (Dota 2's primary community hub) where people are able to offer suggested Proposals for how to spend that money to make Dota better. During the duration of the tourney we will actively check in on this thread, promote it, and encourage people to add to the charitable donation if they wish for some in-game perks like having messages appear during the game on the in-game map. At the end of the event, we will have a vote and choose which idea the community suggested to allocate funds to and announce the winner.
The point of this is for the community to be HEAVILY INVESTED in the tournament and the suggestions in the Mini DAO, but more importantly by the end of this promotion they will VERY CLEARLY understand the Nouns structure and mission, without being simply told how it works.
Nouns Esports is submitting this proposal on behalf of Slacks & Kyle from WePlay Esports.
We are Weplay, a globally recognized Esports event company who specialize in creating groundbreaking productions in the world of gaming. From weekly shows with the NFL and top Twitch Streamers, to multi-million dollar Esports events such as the (Emmy Nominated) Dota 2 Animajor, we pride ourselves on making the most memorable and exciting events in Esports.
Now, it's time for Nouns to have one of their very own: THE NOUNSVITATIONAL!
Short and sweet: we believe that an Esports event can take Nouns to new heights. We don't want to just show people some Noggles and call it a day - We want to enact a 3 step mass integration program designed around introducing (and integrating) the esports public at large into Web3, Nouns communities, and furthering the Nouns mission.
We first learned about Nouns after your fantastic Dota 2 team entered the scene, and we got to know a few of the amazing folks over at the Nouns Esports crew. After doing our research on Nouns, we were impressed to find a group of people who were different from the normal Dota 2 Esports sponsors. In a scene plagued by Betting Companies, Scam Coins, and other nefarious evil-doers, it was refreshing to find a group of people using Crypto in a positive way; One that we would be proud to partner with to spread their message. Weplay prides itself on being the best in our industry and working with the best in their industry, and we believe that this project would be one of those partnerships.
What Nouns Proposals have been doing so far is great, but we believe we can do so much more for the growth of Nouns in the eyes of the general public. Many of your successfully executed Proposals in the past have focused on getting the brand of Nouns out there with general advertising methods of simply "showing the brand". What we offer is not only brand recognition, but brand integration, on a wide and universal scale.
We don't just want people to know what Noggles are. We want people to know about the Nouns mission, the point of a DAO, and to get people who have never heard of Crypto or NFT's (even people who actively dislike them) to see the Web3 world in a positive light by having them actively participate in a system designed around an event that we know they want to watch.
Our idea is simple: get viewers to come for the Dota, and stay for the Nouns. ⌐◨-◨
Creating a custom, interesting Dota Tournament structure with a dual purpose of getting as many viewers as possible to watch due to its innovative nature, world class teams, and Dota's best Talent while also subtly introducing them to a DAO structure in a positive way.
Once they come for the world class Dota, educate them about Nouns with direct, custom created content which Nouns can use forever (Nouns explainers, DAO explainers, Web3 explainers, and even mini-docs about past successful proposals and interviews) which we will play in-between the games to show that Nouns are one of the good guys, and that this system is something they can be a part of
Using a POAP system, and focusing on a "Mini Dota DAO" designed around people who have no idea what Web3 is or don't even have crypto wallets, we aim to make the "scary world of crypto" something that viewers actively participate in both rewarding and fun as they collect Dota 2 themed POAPs during the event. By utilizing in-game systems, viewers can even trade these POAPs for digital cosmetics in Dota 2, giving them real value to the average viewer.
The Nounsvitational will be a world class five-day Dota 2 Tournament featuring ten of the top teams worldwide with the best broadcast talent in the Dota scene held from February 14th to February 18th. This will be a Tier 1 Dota 2 event, and the first LAN in DotA since the International World Championships in October. This will be the long-awaited return of Weplay to the Dota 2 scene (voted best Tournament Organizer in the scene, even surpassing Valve, the game's creator itself), and the first non-traditional Custom Game Mode LAN in several years. Suffice it to say, this event is going to be EXTREMELY hype for the average Dota viewer.
Using our custom map makers, we will transform the Dota 2 in-game map to be a Nounish playground, full of memes, references, and general Nouns branding so that millions of viewers will see Nouns during the games themselves. Between the games, we will utilize our content creation skills to produce and air custom Nouns video content, which will educate the viewers on Noun's culture, structure, mission, and past projects.
Held in the Weplay Studio in Los Angeles, we will bring the best teams around the world to play, and invite as many Nouners and Nounsfolk as we can to be part of the audience, for a once in a lifetime exclusive and intimate experience.
The event itself will get people's attention: they will watch for the unique structure and for the world class competition. But our true goal will be to get the viewers to understand and integrate into the Nouns culture while they watch a fantastic event.
Our plan for this is also 3 fold.
We believe that by letting the viewers not just watch the Event, but actively participate in the event with POAP collecting, exchanging, and voting for how to "better the world of Dota" with a Nounish DAO system will achieve the greater purpose of the event. Come for the Dota, Stay for the Nouns.
Total Budget: 799 ETH (at $1200) $958,800
Categorized Breakdown:
Funds would be received by a multi-sig (3/4) and then delivered to Weplay.
Media Day: Feb 13
Group Stage: Feb 14-Feb 15
Playoffs: Feb 16-Feb 18
We are Kyle and Slacks, two prominent Dota 2 talent who also work at Weplay. SirActionSlacks has worked directly with Valve, the creators of Steam and Dota 2 in both Business Development and as an associate producer of The International, the Emmy award-winning 42 million dollar Dota 2 event since 2017. He has also created the only "Alternate Game Mode" events in Dota 2 history, including Midas Mode 1 and 2, Elimination Mode, The Captain's Draft Minor, and many others. While not making Dota 2 events, Slacks enjoys playing Dota 2 pubs and hosting/casting at events as Talent.
Kyle is also a Dota 2 Talent and former successful professional player who has been working to grow the world of Esports at Weplay behind the scenes on dynamic and groundbreaking productions such as the wildly successful Omega League and Dota 2 Animajor, an official Valve major. Kyle's brother was recently on the Nouns Esports team, and now ironically is on Slack's Dota 2 esports team.
As for Weplay, It's difficult to describe a company that prides itself on spectacle in a written format, so check out some of our content!
Augmented Reality Showreel
2021 General Event Showreel
As we said, we are big fans of Nouns and everything you are trying to do in the space. We truly believe that this event will not only be incredible for Nouns, but also be a fantastic and unforgettable experience for the people in the Nouns community that join us live, virtually, and the Dota 2 community at large. We hope you will consider our proposal and would love to have any comments, feedback, and suggestions. We want to build this event for you, but also build it WITH you, to make sure we make it as NOUNISH AS POSSIBLE!
Thank you
Slacks and Kyle
Weplay Esports
Still looking for some more, condensed information? Then please continue reading!
Currently, Dota 2 is the 2nd most played game on Steam, the biggest gaming platform in the world. It reaches a global audience with millions of active players each day, and even more viewers on it's Esports events.
Currently, Dota 2 is experiencing a resurgence of the most viewers and players since 2013!
While most Triple A games and Esports require multi-million dollar fee to enter into the sphere with licensing fees and IP protection, Valve allows anyone to do anything with their games, giving full mod tools to players. This allows us to create a very Nounish event for a game with one of the highest viewership numbers in all of Esports. This event would only be possible in Dota, and Dota is our specialty here at Weplay.
In terms of reach and scale of viewers, the numbers are hard to come by as China and Russia have viewership data that is not easily accessible, but viewership of top events (such as The International and the Weplay Animajor) can reach into the millions from the English audience alone.
For a full breakdown of the Viewership of Weplay's last event, please check out this link
We know the mission of Nouns is to gather together and pool resources to make the world a better place. But, the concept of a DAO and the betterment of society that can be caused their-in is something completely foreign to most people. To help the viewers understand (and subtly advertise the event) we propose creating a "Mini DAO," a system that is modeled after Nouns itself!
The process is simple. At the start of the event, we announce that we will take a percentage of the prize pool and allocate that money to "make Dota 2 better." Then, we will start a Reddit thread (Dota 2's primary community hub) where people are able to offer suggested Proposals for how to spend that money to make Dota better. During the duration of the tourney we will actively check in on this thread, promote it, and encourage people to add to the charitable donation if they wish for some in-game perks like having messages appear during the game on the in-game map. At the end of the event, we will have a vote and choose which idea the community suggested to allocate funds to and announce the winner.
The point of this is for the community to be HEAVILY INVESTED in the tournament and the suggestions in the Mini DAO, but more importantly by the end of this promotion they will VERY CLEARLY understand the Nouns structure and mission, without being simply told how it works.