Proposal votes
Nouncil Vote Results:
YES - 57
NO - 0
Discussion from Nouncil Discord (
"I really enjoy your newsletters and summaries, maty. Really helpful for people who aren‘t able to follow everything themselves."
"Very reasonable ask for such a great tool & Nounish builder. That notion is a behemoth. Excited to see the data become prettier — the notion can only go so far. Also love the Newsletter!"
"Such an easy yes! Great work maty!!"
"this is much needed. great prop"
Maty works really hard and the documents he keeps are really useful. Also, his work pretty much pays for itself with the funds he tends to recoups for the DAO in the process of his follow ups and tracking.
Both the proposal tracker and newsletter are large value adding documentation for the community. We have actually forked Maty's proposal tracker over at lil nouns and pay a community member to maintain it for our community. Keep up the great work!
maty and his tracking efforts are extremely valuable to the dao and broader community. thanks for your work!
The newsletter has been a helpful way to stay updated and I'm excited to see Maty integrate this info in Nounish projects like Agora and Prop House.
Both the newsletter and the accountability doc create a ton of value for the DAO. Think it's important for this work to continue (along with all the other things that Maty does to make sure things run smoothly).
Maty's work is key to bringing accountability and transparency to Nouns. It will also help move the DAO in a more data-driven direction as the data from his efforts can be fed into other governance clients in the ecosystem. Nouns ❤️ Maty.
To the Nouners out there that vote and Nouncil–this is the type of signal that cuts through the noise.
Since the disbanding of the main discord I spend a lot of time running through all the discords and all over Twitter to collect information that is of use to me–What Maty does is help filter out the things I am less interested in and helps me find what ultimately matters most to me and what I need to perform as a member of the DAO. If you don’t already subscribe to his newsletter you should, and I think as a DAO we should fund this as a core contribution as it serves the members and supports the ecosystem.