Nouns x Never Sit Still
- Create a visually rich, enticing hype video to be a catalyst for the gravitational pull of people into the Nouniverse.
- Sitting above the funnel in the attention marketplace, this hype video will differentiate its positioning from existing Nouns productions, such as Prop 113, and will compliment these videos by enticing people to WANT to watch more about Nouns.
- Made by a talented team of creatives from Never Sit Still with experience working with some of the biggest web3 brands.
- Perfect to use for openers in digital, trailers, conferences, and meetings, along with use in traditional advertising placements and overall attention attraction.
- Proposal artwork is indicative only, subject to change with further development.
- All CC0 assets.
Fund NeverSitStill to create a highly crafted, animated 30-60 second brand film. Seeking to catch fresh eyes and celebrate the strides made so far, the future potential and why it’s such an exciting time to get involved in the Nouns project.
Who is NeverSitStill?
Homepage | Instagram | Behance
Never Sit Still is highly experienced in creating premium brand films, often focused on abstract or hard-to-explain concepts. We have collaborated with many high caliber clients in and out of web3 such as:
Compound - Compound III is a collateralised borrowing protocol that optimizes capital efficiency, gas costs, and security.
STL - A revolutionary new Web3 technology designed to take Token Gating to the next level.
Coinbase - Coinbase is the easiest place to buy and sell cryptocurrency, via a trusted and easy-to-use platform for accessing the broader crypto economy.
Adobe Splash Screen - Each year, Adobe commissions artists from a variety of disciplines and styles to show off the power of Creative Cloud by producing custom artwork to represent each product.
We at NeverSitStill encourage creative thinking and personal development amongst the company, which lead to a conversation about Nouns with motion designer James Vallance (MrSEAKs). His collaboration earlier this year with Gnars DAO, and his work with Gami (Noun 189), to create an animated piece for NFT NYC proliferating Nouns. A major component of Nouns' participation in NFT NYC.
See more here: Full video | Artist BTS & NY billboard footage
What will we make for you?
A 30-60 second, crafted hype video that represents Nouns in an exciting way. Exploring Nounish themes through visual metaphor, celebrating the culture with existing users, and onboarding the new.
Think of it as an above-the-funnel video encapsulating the key themes of Nouns in a punchy, artistic, and fresh video to make people go WTF is Nouns?
The look and tone of the piece will be designed to capture attention, potentially becoming an ownable style for future Nouns advertising and messaging material.
It's a catalyst video to start the gravitational pull that is Nouns.
What is the video going to be about?
The video will represent strong themes that Nouns focuses on through visual metaphor:
- Use case of NFTs for raising funds for positive change
- Evolution and growth of Nouns
- DAOs/community
- Bootstrapping/launchpad
- Interaction of Nouns and IRL, bringing the power of crypto to IRL
With these ideas at the core, we spin them into a powerful narrative that follows the birth of the Noggles and its exponential growth to become an object of power, one for positive change in the world.
To represent the multi-faceted nature of the Nouniverse, we intend to use a mixed-media approach, with input from various artists within our team. Distinct flavours coming together to create one visual style in a seamless video.
We feel this approach also carries the spirit of the Nouns DAO. A diverse pool of people building something great together.
The Nouniverse & Big Bang
In the beginning, at the centre of it all is the Noggle. The Noggle atom, molecule, cell, animal, vegetable, mineral. We want to place the Noggle at the centre of this big bang and follow the narrative of it's growing impact on the universe.
This rippling wave will take effect on the world around it, transforming and creating. What does the world look like through a Nounish lens?
Why hype video?
The current state of our fast-paced digital world needs information to be condensed into a highly digestible format to relay anything valuable.
Prop 143 spoke to the fantastic concept of the video marketing funnel. To borrow a term from the Nounish team, we want to talk to the top of the funnel and go even more front-facing, above the funnel. This is why it’s important to create a first point of contact with broader audiences that inspires them to care about what they’re seeing. We want to ignite a spark within viewers to seek out and learn more about Nouns of their own volition.
A hype video executes this perfectly. A short, visually rich video, presented in an artistic, eye-catching way, that grabs people's attention and hooks them in, down the Nouns rabbit hole.
Do traditional hype videos work in web3?
It’s well known that video is a perfect medium to promote and create awareness of a brand/product. Hype videos are a tool used by luxury brands within web2 and we want to bring these tried and tested methods to web3 and Nouns.
Take the promo video for Doodles v2, or the Otherside Yuga Labs video. These are both great examples of highly crafted, short animated hype videos to blow up awareness of a brand/product to funnel new audiences into web3 and their brand.
These videos aren't about explaining how, but what and why.
Video Lifespan
A hype video has a long shelf life and is easy to re-use. Whenever you need promotional content, take an already existing hype video and place it at the front of marketing to interest viewers.
Combine the re-usability of a hype video with assets that are CC0 and you have a piece of art that can be re-used, re-jigged, and a video that can live on for a long time.
Render characters, assets, scenes, and the entire video as CC0 for all to share and spread Nouns proliferation.
Air-drop current Noun owners their very own piece of this hype video in the form of NFTs created from scenes of the entire piece. This will create a collection of different NFTs from the entire video.
Owners could even trade/swap/collect these separate NFTs to piece together the sequence and receive a rare airdrop of the entire video minted as an NFT. This is a way to celebrate the creation of the work, and reward holders who were already a part of the ecosystem when it happened.
POAPs for voters. Incentive to vote, a reward for being involved in bringing this project of Nouns proliferation to life.
We use a traditional linear pipeline for development, from concept through to mastering. This stepped approach allows us to spend an appropriate amount of time in each phase, delivering top notch work in an efficient timeline. At each major milestone, our clients give condensed feedback to ensure that the work is communicating its message clearly.
To ensure the work is original and ownable, we use a period of time for high level research and development. This means we aren't aiming to re-create a reference, but build something new and ownable for the Nouns DAO.
Pre production
- R&D (Community liaisons to guide content)
- Concept art, thumbnails
- Design, visual language development
- Storyboarding
- Animatic
- Animation
- Music development
- NFT + POAP creation
- Compositing, Grading
- Sound design
- Mastering
- Brand hype video (Widescreen 16:9, 4K, 30fps) [archival master + web ready]
- Working files
- NFT ready exports (TBD with community)
- POAP artwork (TBD with community)
Production Schedule
Pre production to begin before EOY if approved.
Full production starting no later than January 8th, taking approximately 10-12 weeks to complete the final piece.
Regular updates and WIP process interaction with the Nouns community is important. We want to build in public and share progress openly. Our team is comfortable with Discord and presentation, major milestones will be submitted for the community to feedback as well as enjoy the process.
Gami Noun 189
Discord 0xigami#0001
Twitter 0xigami
James Vallance NSS Motion Designer, MrSEAKs
Discord MrSeaks#0944
Twitter seaksmr
John Grist NSS Creative Lead
Discord brunch#5470
- Approx 2.5 months production time
- Project Management
- Visual Development
- Design
- Motion
- Custom Music Track
- SFX (Sound Design)
- NFT & POAP Development
- Source Files under CC0
110 ETH / 160K USD (approx)
Proposed Transactions
- Multi-sig Gnosis Safe has been established at neversitstill.eth
- Signers include 0xigami.eth, mrseaks.eth and a company address
- Upon receipt ETH will be swapped for USDC to hedge volatility
- 50% upfront swapped for AUD, remaining 50% at completion