Proposal to name a recently discovered species of glass frog after Nouns
I have been informed of an opportunity to name a species of glass frog newly discovered in the Dracula nature reserve in Ecuador. The EcoMinga Foundation (EcoMinga Foundation) is raising funds alongside its partner Rainforest Trust ( 2) in exchange for the right to name this glass frog.
I’d like to propose that NounsDAO pay 25 ETH to purchase the right to name the frog Hyalinobatrachium Nouns, or Nouns Glassfrog in plain English. As far as I know, naming a species would be a first for the crypto and NFT community. Frogs have memetic value in the NFT community, making this species an appropriate choice for naming. Not only would this story be likely to get picked up by the press and social media, but the money goes to the cause of protecting biodiversity and rainforests.
Here is a link to some photos of the frog, and the scientific write up of the frog's discovery (along with another similar frog).
The breakdown of the use of funds would be roughly the following, subject to discussions with the non-profits:
55% to Ecominga for operating and protecting the reserve
5% to scientific publishing and discovery of new species
40% to Rainforest Trust’s Climate Action Fund, which funds protection of rainforest to sequester carbon
Once this proposal passes and the ETH gets sent, I'll calculate the equivalent USD amount and wire the fiat to Rainforest Trust within 5 business days (unfortunately the non-profit doesn't accept crypto donations). Rainforest Trust will then pass on Ecominga's portion to them.