noundry was a collaborative experience and this proposal serves as a gesture of gratitude and acknowledgment of the valuable role the community played in the process.
⌐◨-◨ 🙏
Yes wins. (50 yes, 1 no, 7 abstain, 1 x)
~~ ThaSwami ~~
I think it's great to reward everyone who submitted traits, but Coordinape voting might be overkill. I'm of the view that anyone who took the time to contribute some art should get rewarded, irrespective of how many they submitted, quality of work or who they interacted with. I'm in favour of a simple pro-rata of ETH amongst the number of artists. We could setup clearer guidelines for rewards next season
~~ JoelCares ~~
Personally think this would be fun, help build community across the broad group of participants, and give the community a voice in evaluating quality. The current structure (3 GIVE tokens) would not be rewarding general participation, it would be rewarding the runner up work valued most by the community.
I support artists and participated in the Noundry submissions but do not think this prop is ready in its current state.
I’m abstaining on this one. The prop team put in a lot of work to try and come up with a solution here but I’m on the fence as to whether we should set precedent on funding participation.
Although I'm very excited to fund builders on the expectation of (or based on the history of) great impact, I'm generally more weary of funding effort as an end goal in itself.
This doesn't have to mean that every year we neccesarily reward the community for contributions to any other noundry upgrades this way (if we set expectations/rewards ahead of time especially, it should be much cleaner next time), but this past year it was an all-in group effort where a lot of value was created by many of the artists who ultimately didn't make it into the final collection. If we’re retroactively rewarding the winners and committee (without rules ahead of time) it feels fair and honest to also share some of that with the a wider set of contributors to the process. The downside feels limited, and curious to see how these funds get shared around. Hopefully with very limited GIVES per coordinape participants, this is going to reward the top contributors as judged by the community. ⌐◨-◨
This proposal aims to retroactively compensate the Noundry community for their part in making Season 0 a success. Total ask of 25 eth.
We believe the community is largely to thank for making Noundry into something more than a mere contest. Instead, the Noundry evolved into a collaborative experience — a festival — where artists from around the world came together to inspire and build upon each other's ideas, using Nouns pixel art as a canvas to unite around.
The artwork we eventually added to the Nouns Descriptor contract resulted from a group effort and would not have been the same without the participation of the larger community.
With this proposal, we want to acknowledge that the collaborative, explorative side of the Noundry is as vital as the outcome and hope to set an example for upcoming Noundrys.
We think community compensation is best left to the community to decide. The alternatives would be equal distribution to all participants or attempting the almost impossible task of centrally deciding who had a meaningful impact on the Noundry. None of these options feel exciting or in the spirit of the Noundry.
To manage this, we're using Coordinape, a community compensation platform, and want to allocate a pool of 24 eth for the Noundry season 0 community to split up amongst themselves.
Coordinape rules
Total: 24 eth
Multisig signers
This proposal aims to retroactively compensate the Noundry community for their part in making Season 0 a success. Total ask of 25 eth.
We believe the community is largely to thank for making Noundry into something more than a mere contest. Instead, the Noundry evolved into a collaborative experience — a festival — where artists from around the world came together to inspire and build upon each other's ideas, using Nouns pixel art as a canvas to unite around.
The artwork we eventually added to the Nouns Descriptor contract resulted from a group effort and would not have been the same without the participation of the larger community.
With this proposal, we want to acknowledge that the collaborative, explorative side of the Noundry is as vital as the outcome and hope to set an example for upcoming Noundrys.
We think community compensation is best left to the community to decide. The alternatives would be equal distribution to all participants or attempting the almost impossible task of centrally deciding who had a meaningful impact on the Noundry. None of these options feel exciting or in the spirit of the Noundry.
To manage this, we're using Coordinape, a community compensation platform, and want to allocate a pool of 24 eth for the Noundry season 0 community to split up amongst themselves.
Coordinape rules
Total: 24 eth
Multisig signers