ProposalsProposal 139

Noun Sounds Proposal

Quorum: 43
Proposed by



Noun Sounds will provide a much needed audio-scape to the Nouns ecosystem. SuperTightWoody and Papaya will create a platform and ingest processes where anyone can create, export and contribute CC0 Nounish songs, stems, samples, sounds effects and more.

The Problem

There is currently no Nouns audio aesthetic, and no environment for it to flourish. There are no sonic logos, sounds or songs that have a consistent use case in the Nouns world. Nounish creators of apps, videos, games and beyond have nowhere to turn for audio.

Nounish creators have to source their own audio, often out of their own pocket while being forced to manage limited use rights.

All of this makes brand consistency/recognition difficult and next to impossible. Sonic logos, sounds or songs are a core part of any brand.

Our Solution

We will create a robust website that will act as a hub for all things related to Nouns audio. This will include an easy to use music “PLAYground” to build a unique Nouns song for your project, a repository of samples/sounds/songs and a robust roadmap with processes and structure, allowing our environment to grow.

The User Experience


On the homepage, the latest Noun Sound will be displayed along with the Noun it generates! This, and all Noun Sounds, will be available for free use and CC0.

How does it generate this Noun Sound you might ask? Let’s head over to the…


The visual Noun will be generated via the PLAYground tab.

In this area, a song is split into its different tracks. Here, one of the 10 songs created for Nouns will be selected. Each song will contain 5 variations per instrument. Each instrument will correspond to a Nouns layer whose assets will be randomly generated when the page loads.

Refreshing the page or hitting the “Randomize” button will randomly select a new SONG and new set of LAYERS. Every time you create a new Nouns Sound, a unique new Noun will be born to accompany it!

Put together your favorite song tracks for your project and…VOILA! You now have your own unique Noun Sound.



If you want to grab any of the full songs, stems, loops, samples or sound effects by themselves- this is the place to go. Easily filter these via metadata and get to creating your Nounish multimedia!

How Does This Proliferate Nouns?

Sound is the backbone of any cohesive brand and multimedia creation. This CC0 resource will assist in the production of music, apps, games, videos, social content, sonic branding and more- all revolving around Nouns. As we work along side Nouns DAO in the future, a self sustaining library of high quality audio will fill a void for creators across all mediums of creative content.

The Team

With 20+ years of music production and engineering experience, SuperTightWoody is a Grammy Nominated music producer. Having works featured on major label albums, TV shows, movie trailers and television commercials. In the Nouns space, he has created the theme song for the Nouncil along with theme songs for The Noun Square Twitter spaces (and the “soundboard” for TNS). As a Nouncil and TNS member- he is very much looking forward to expanding his contributions into the Nouns space.

Papaya is a software engineer with 15+ years of experience known for his attention to detail. He has worked on numerous NFT Collections, tools and Defi protocols. He loves building unique experiences for web3 communities and developers.


The creation of everything laid out in this first proposal will take 3 months to complete from proposal approval.

Proposed Funding

72ETH for deliverables + timeline.
Signers will be SuperTightWoody and Papaya for multisig wallet 0xE8cF782Bb4aCB9000fae76bA940295CA988DE7Be


This Proposal: First Audio Library + Infrastructure

Our first proposal is to create the first Nounish audio library, a website, an easy-to-use tool for builders to create songs, and laying out the workflows for onboarding new music makers into the system processes.

  • A fully functional Noun Sounds website with user friendly audio interfaces
  • 10 CC0 Noun Sounds songs (+ 5 variations of each instrument for the PLAYground)
  • 3 Nouns sonic logo stings
  • 20 bleeps, bloops, swooshes and more for apps and games
  • All songs, stems and individual samples page available for download
  • Twitter account and Discord for building the Noun Sounds community

Next Proposal: New Tools + Bring on other musicians

Once this infrastructure has been built and our ingestion flow for new audio is set, it’s time to grow independently.

  • Create Noun Sounds DAO
  • Start developing system to Fund DAO through the sales of generated Noun Sounds NFTs.
  • Create pipeline for onboarding new musicians via sounds submissions + legal processes
  • Create professional VST instruments that music makers can use in the DAW of their choice, to create an audio palette that allows total freedom while keeping brand cohesion
  • Explore the use of AI and other technologies to push the envelope of what is possible

Additional Links:

Proposed Transactions:

  • 0xE8cF782Bb4aCB9000fae76bA940295CA988DE7Be.transfer(
     72 ETH