ProposalsProposal 124


Request to fund a second mandated round for 100 ETH to fund 5 teams @ 20 ETH each with the mandate to build alternative Nouns Governance clients.


Given the success of our first mandated round, let's keep momentum up and kick-off a second mandated round for Nouns governance clients. For folks who missed it: an overview of the Nouns Client round:

  • 35 proposals from top caliber builders
  • 1416 votes casted (a record for Prop House)
  • 4 teams funded
  • A record breaking % of highly desirable proposals
  • Noun-pilled top quality folks

This time around, we’d be inviting builders to propose ideas for alternative Nouns Governance clients. While our classic gets the job done, there is a lot more to explore regarding Nouns governance. This might take several directions:

  • Delegation marketplace
  • Better info curation to make more informed decisions
  • New voting / dicussions mechanisms for Nouners to better signal prior to going on-chain
  • Post-funding trackers

Recommended reading to get creative juices flowing: Discussion: Request for Nounish Governance Experiments

The thing to note is that there are good ideas outside of the community and highly competent builders ready to execute on them. Prop House mandated rounds are a way to not only build up the Nouns ecosystem but also onboard top-notch builders as well.


The mandate would be around Nouns Governance. Any proposal to build a client that improves Nouns Governance in a meaningul way is welcome.

The round will be hosted in the Nouns Mandates house with two weeks proposal time and one week for voting by nouners.


Funds will be managed from a 2/3 safe at 0x58a25b8C593C75F6bcEb2C805a53437DA3C53757 managed by seneca, devcarrot and cdt.