This August, the Friends with Benefits community will be hosting FWB FEST, a three day immersive conference and festival to discuss the current state of how Web3 is affecting culture.
Over forty keynote talks, performances, and sessions have been programmed by the community to take place over this 72 hour symposium. FWB is looking for support from Nouns DAO to publicly amplify these conversations to the wider Web3 community and beyond, under CC0 and a content distribution partnership.
Additionally, we’d like to use this as an opportunity to craft a culturally oriented session around Nouns DAO at the conference, while bridging our communities together through this DAO-to-DAO collaboration.
Who We Are
Friends with Benefits is a worldwide group of creators, thinkers, and builders who sit at the intersection of Web3 and culture. As one of the earliest social token communities, FWB’s members span a diverse range from the heavily crypto native to the more recently, and eagerly, onboarded.
Introducing FWB FEST
Between August 12-14, 2022, FWB will be hosting the inaugural FWB FEST in Idyllwild, California to bring together our global community to discuss how Web3 will continue to shape the future of culture.
The FWB community aims to grow FWB FEST into a premier conference that annually showcases leading topics and conversations around how Web3 is affecting culture.
FWB FEST will:
Performances: James Blake, Pussy Riot, Oneohtrix Point Never, L’Rain, Weyes Blood, Mustafa, and more
Speakers: Hayden Adams (Uniswap), Nadya Tolokonnikova (Pussy Riot, Unicorn DAO), David Rudnick, Meltem DeMirors, Glen Wyl (Radical Exchange, DeSoc), Toby Shorin (Other Internet), Kei Kreutler (Gnosis), Yancey Strickler (Metalabel, Kickstarter) & More
Full lineup here.
How can we partner?
FWB FEST Content Co-Brand and Distribution
FWB, with support from Nouns, will capture and record the keynote talks from FWB FEST and make these talks publicly accessible to the world under CC0 through concise video formats. All talks would include Nouns DAO logo placement.
Keynote sample conversations at FWB FEST include:
Cultural Currency
Nadya Tolokonnikova (PussyRiot, Unicorn DAO), Hayden Adams (Founder, Uniswap), Trevor McFedries (Brud & FWB)
Future of Identity & Soul Bound Tokens
Glen Weyl (Author, Radical Markets), Christopher Kulendran Thomas (Founder, EARTH), Puja Ohlhaver (Researcher)
Nouns DAO Keynote Talk at FWB FEST
FWB will organize a keynote talk with and about Nouns, giving people a chance to contextualize Nouns in both an IRL and a thought leadership context. This talk would be crafted in collaboration with Nouns holders to ensure proper representation and storytelling, and would be crafted in collaboration with Jacob Horne and other outspoken Nouners.
The keynote talk will be hosted live at FWB FEST in front of an audience of ~500 guests, and will be recorded, edited, and distributed as one of the highlighted talks at FWB FEST.
The main objective will be to contribute public content about Nouns DAO that is tasteful, personable, culturally aligned, and encapsulates a different perspective than the current existing Youtube explainer video formats.
Hosting Nouns DAO on NFT Pirate Radio
As part of this strategy we would also invite Nouns representatives to speak on our most popular digital program, NFT Pirate Radio.
NFT Pirate Radio is presented in collaboration with OpenSea on Twitter Spaces and averages 2,000+ live listeners for each episode. Previous guests of Pirate Radio show include: David Choe, Aaron Penne, Mindy Seu, Andrew Benson, Vivian Fu & Noah Kalina (JPEG2000), and Possessed.
All NFT Pirate Radio sessions are also recorded and will eventually live as evergreen assets to be further amplified.
FWB Works in Progress
Lastly, we would commission a writer within the FWB community to meaningfully tell a story about why Nouns DAO represents an interesting model for brand proliferation via a long-form written piece on FWB Works in Progress, our editorial platform.
Past pieces WIP include:
What Co-Ops and DAOs Can Learn From Each Other by Austin Robey which has garnered 300,000+ impressions.
In addition to the media strategy above, FWB would integrate Nouns DAO in a few other ways.
Recognition as official partner of FWB FEST
As an official partner, Nouns branding would be included on the FWB FEST website as well as the FWB newsletter, social media accounts, FEST promotional assets, and on-site guide.
Nouns DAO Ticket Raffle for Nouns Community
Nouns DAO to receive 10 FWB.FEST NFT tickets to raffle off and give away to Noun community members.
We believe this is a meaningful initiative for the Nouns community because it will:
Democratize and distribute the keynote talks and conversations at FWB FEST for the entire Web3 community to consume, irrespective of location and travel ability.
Contribute effective storytelling and thought leadership about Nouns DAO with a cultural perspective and lens
Leverage FWB FEST with its high concentration of web3 native and culturally aligned community members.
Utilize additional FWB distribution channels like Pirate Radio and FWB Works in Progress to further amplify Nouns storytelling from a cultural perspective
Create an initial playbook that Nouns can use to further collaborate with other DAOs
Support FWB in its endeavor to create a premier conference and festival experience bridging Web3 and Culture
Funds Requested
30 ETH | Video Production Team: Equipment, Labor, Time, Housing, Travel, and Editing
30 ETH Stage Production, Lighting, Sound, Venue, and Hard Costs
10 ETH | FWB FEST Tickets for NounsDAO
5 ETH | FWB Editorial Commission
5 ETH | FWB Pirate Radio Nouns Talk Production
Total: 80 ETH
All deliverables will be executed between FWB FEST (August 12-14) and September 30th, accounting for proper editing, marketing, and distribution time.
Who Is Behind This Proposal?
Members of the FWB Community & Team Including:
Gabe Quintela, Partnerships
Lindsay Howard, Curatorial & Brand
Alex Zhang, Mayor
Paul Tao, Events, Operations
Zach Tetreault, Programming
& More
Relevant Links
FWB FEST Website
NYT Feature on FWB
This August, the Friends with Benefits community will be hosting FWB FEST, a three day immersive conference and festival to discuss the current state of how Web3 is affecting culture.
Over forty keynote talks, performances, and sessions have been programmed by the community to take place over this 72 hour symposium. FWB is looking for support from Nouns DAO to publicly amplify these conversations to the wider Web3 community and beyond, under CC0 and a content distribution partnership.
Additionally, we’d like to use this as an opportunity to craft a culturally oriented session around Nouns DAO at the conference, while bridging our communities together through this DAO-to-DAO collaboration.
Who We Are
Friends with Benefits is a worldwide group of creators, thinkers, and builders who sit at the intersection of Web3 and culture. As one of the earliest social token communities, FWB’s members span a diverse range from the heavily crypto native to the more recently, and eagerly, onboarded.
Introducing FWB FEST
Between August 12-14, 2022, FWB will be hosting the inaugural FWB FEST in Idyllwild, California to bring together our global community to discuss how Web3 will continue to shape the future of culture.
The FWB community aims to grow FWB FEST into a premier conference that annually showcases leading topics and conversations around how Web3 is affecting culture.
FWB FEST will:
Performances: James Blake, Pussy Riot, Oneohtrix Point Never, L’Rain, Weyes Blood, Mustafa, and more
Speakers: Hayden Adams (Uniswap), Nadya Tolokonnikova (Pussy Riot, Unicorn DAO), David Rudnick, Meltem DeMirors, Glen Wyl (Radical Exchange, DeSoc), Toby Shorin (Other Internet), Kei Kreutler (Gnosis), Yancey Strickler (Metalabel, Kickstarter) & More
Full lineup here.
How can we partner?
FWB FEST Content Co-Brand and Distribution
FWB, with support from Nouns, will capture and record the keynote talks from FWB FEST and make these talks publicly accessible to the world under CC0 through concise video formats. All talks would include Nouns DAO logo placement.
Keynote sample conversations at FWB FEST include:
Cultural Currency
Nadya Tolokonnikova (PussyRiot, Unicorn DAO), Hayden Adams (Founder, Uniswap), Trevor McFedries (Brud & FWB)
Future of Identity & Soul Bound Tokens
Glen Weyl (Author, Radical Markets), Christopher Kulendran Thomas (Founder, EARTH), Puja Ohlhaver (Researcher)
Nouns DAO Keynote Talk at FWB FEST
FWB will organize a keynote talk with and about Nouns, giving people a chance to contextualize Nouns in both an IRL and a thought leadership context. This talk would be crafted in collaboration with Nouns holders to ensure proper representation and storytelling, and would be crafted in collaboration with Jacob Horne and other outspoken Nouners.
The keynote talk will be hosted live at FWB FEST in front of an audience of ~500 guests, and will be recorded, edited, and distributed as one of the highlighted talks at FWB FEST.
The main objective will be to contribute public content about Nouns DAO that is tasteful, personable, culturally aligned, and encapsulates a different perspective than the current existing Youtube explainer video formats.
Hosting Nouns DAO on NFT Pirate Radio
As part of this strategy we would also invite Nouns representatives to speak on our most popular digital program, NFT Pirate Radio.
NFT Pirate Radio is presented in collaboration with OpenSea on Twitter Spaces and averages 2,000+ live listeners for each episode. Previous guests of Pirate Radio show include: David Choe, Aaron Penne, Mindy Seu, Andrew Benson, Vivian Fu & Noah Kalina (JPEG2000), and Possessed.
All NFT Pirate Radio sessions are also recorded and will eventually live as evergreen assets to be further amplified.
FWB Works in Progress
Lastly, we would commission a writer within the FWB community to meaningfully tell a story about why Nouns DAO represents an interesting model for brand proliferation via a long-form written piece on FWB Works in Progress, our editorial platform.
Past pieces WIP include:
What Co-Ops and DAOs Can Learn From Each Other by Austin Robey which has garnered 300,000+ impressions.
In addition to the media strategy above, FWB would integrate Nouns DAO in a few other ways.
Recognition as official partner of FWB FEST
As an official partner, Nouns branding would be included on the FWB FEST website as well as the FWB newsletter, social media accounts, FEST promotional assets, and on-site guide.
Nouns DAO Ticket Raffle for Nouns Community
Nouns DAO to receive 10 FWB.FEST NFT tickets to raffle off and give away to Noun community members.
We believe this is a meaningful initiative for the Nouns community because it will:
Democratize and distribute the keynote talks and conversations at FWB FEST for the entire Web3 community to consume, irrespective of location and travel ability.
Contribute effective storytelling and thought leadership about Nouns DAO with a cultural perspective and lens
Leverage FWB FEST with its high concentration of web3 native and culturally aligned community members.
Utilize additional FWB distribution channels like Pirate Radio and FWB Works in Progress to further amplify Nouns storytelling from a cultural perspective
Create an initial playbook that Nouns can use to further collaborate with other DAOs
Support FWB in its endeavor to create a premier conference and festival experience bridging Web3 and Culture
Funds Requested
30 ETH | Video Production Team: Equipment, Labor, Time, Housing, Travel, and Editing
30 ETH Stage Production, Lighting, Sound, Venue, and Hard Costs
10 ETH | FWB FEST Tickets for NounsDAO
5 ETH | FWB Editorial Commission
5 ETH | FWB Pirate Radio Nouns Talk Production
Total: 80 ETH
All deliverables will be executed between FWB FEST (August 12-14) and September 30th, accounting for proper editing, marketing, and distribution time.
Who Is Behind This Proposal?
Members of the FWB Community & Team Including:
Gabe Quintela, Partnerships
Lindsay Howard, Curatorial & Brand
Alex Zhang, Mayor
Paul Tao, Events, Operations
Zach Tetreault, Programming
& More
Relevant Links
FWB FEST Website
NYT Feature on FWB