ProposalsProposal 111

Re-Elect Noun 22 as a DAO Core Contributor

Quorum: 37
Proposed by

Re-Elect Noun 22 as a DAO Core Contributor

Hi, this is Noun 22.

I have had the absolute pleasure of building on Nouns DAO as a Core Contributor for the better part of this year, and would love nothing more than if the DAO would support me to continue working for the DAO with the majority of my time.


After joining Nouns DAO in the first month of the project's inception, I have been fortunate enough to have the DAO's unanimous support to be compensated to work for the DAO in a variety of roles.

  • November 2021 - Proposal 17 (On-Chain / Proposal) funded my trial residency as a community contributor for the DAO
  • February 2022 - Proposal 38 (On-Chain / Proposal) funded me to continue my work on the protocol as a Core Contributor for six months

My current contract is set to expire on August 24 2022, and this proposal would renew my contract with the DAO for another 6 months.

My Work on Nouns

1. Small Grants (SG)

The Nouns DAO Small Grants and Retroactive Funding Pool was originally formed in November 2021. Since then, SG has evolved into flexible pool of capital that is managed on a fully discretionary basis to serve the DAO's interests in a variety of ways.

I am the lead for SG and I manage its day to day operations. As the DAO has grown, incoming inquiry has scaled with it. Running SG is what I spend most of my time on every day. The group does not presently have an operational budget, and my compensation for this work is included as part of my role as Core Contributor.

I'm very proud of what has been accomplished so far at SG. The group has funded many builders and projects (detailed below) that have generated tremendous value for the DAO. Many of the DAO's most successful proposals started as a trial sponsored by SG, and many of the DAO's most valuable community members were funded/onboarded by SG when they first joined the community. In my experience running SG for the better part of a year, I have seen many instances in which a 1 ETH grant can generate more value to the DAO than an 100+ ETH proposal. The crypto ecosystem is rife with rugs and scams, and that is precisely why our generosity on the individual level leaves such a lasting impression and inspires such fierce loyalty.

Today, SG serves multiple roles for the DAO: we are the DAO's working capital, a Nounish venture pod, and an onboarding tool. SG has the flexibility to quickly:

  • Fund exciting smaller proposals (in concert with Prop House)
  • Vet new builders and derisk new projects by funding trials ahead of sponsoring larger on-chain proposals
  • Be a first point of contact and source of funding to onboard new community members
  • Retroactively reward builders
  • Provide time-sensitive and milestone based funding as a part of larger proposals
  • Fill other ad hoc daily capital needs of the DAO (contests, bug bounties, etc)

My daily work on SG includes:

  • Engaging with community members that request funding
  • Providing feedback on and tracking multiple proposals
  • Monitoring and responding to new inquiry over Discord and Discourse
  • Diligencing proposals to prevent waste and fraud
  • Negotiating funding terms
  • Following up with funded builders
  • Building a relationship with new builders and onboarding them deeper into the Nouns ecosystem
  • Administrative tasks

I conduct the majority of SG's operations on Discourse and in the #grants-and-retro-funding channel in the Nouns DAO Discord.

Since inception, SG has funded 100+ builders with over 230 ETH. This link contains information on everything SG has funded to date. Some highlights from the track record:

My vision for the future of SG:

  • Continue to generate value for Nouns DAO by seeding high potential projects and builders in the ecosystem

  • Build a pipeline of more ambitious trials and sponsor them as on-chain proposals

  • Improved comms / organization - I am exploring tools to have a central location for all funding requests and other information

  • Continue to innovate on new ways for SG to add value to Nouns DAO

2. Community Building: Onboarding New Nouners / Weekly Calls

Since I first joined the DAO a year ago, I have reached out to every new member to organize an onboarding call. To date, I have done over 100+ of these calls. If you are voting this proposal, we have likely had one of these calls - if we haven't please reach out to me on Discord!

Additionally, I host the weekly US Nouner Town Hall call every Tuesday at 5:30pm ET. The call initially started as an informal meet and greet where we first got the opportunity to hear each other's voices and get to know each other, and has evolved into a more structured format where we discuss and form consensus on topical issues.

I host these calls not just to meet and build relationships with fascinating, cool, like-minded people, but I view them as integral to creating and strengthening a sense of community within the DAO.

Nouns is the most exciting and innovative project in crypto, but we cannot become complacent and view our success as inevitable. The DAO's greatest long term threat is member apathy and disengagement - particularly as we have entered into what may be a lasting crypto bear market. Members who feel lost or confused will quickly become inactive members, and the DAO will suffer as a result.

I will continue to use my experience in the role to foster an atmosphere of open communication and experimentation where every community member feels they are able to contribute to the DAO. Everyone needs to feel that their opinions are heard and their proposal ideas are fairly considered. In my role, I try and be a neutral go-between and source of feedback to maintain harmony within the DAO.

My involvement with Nouns has been the absolute high point of my career. I have never felt this level of excitement and optimism about my work. Thanks for reading this, and I look forward to continuing to Nounify The World with you all ⌐◨-◨


Being a Core Contributor for Nouns DAO is a unique role within a unique organization. I hope this proposal has demonstrated the value I have generated for Nouns DAO, my passion for this organization, and convinced you of why I am uniquely suited to continue in this role going foward.

The nominal $ value of my last contract with the DAO was $32k per month for 6 months. For this contract I propose an extension at the same nominal $ rate:

  • 6 month term
  • Nominal $32k per month paid in USDC
  • Nouns DAO can vote to cancel the contract at any point
  • ETH to be sent to the SG multi-sig address and a portion will converted to USDC upon receipt
  • Funds will be put into a Sablier contract that commences on August 25 2022 with a 6 month duration