By Jawshua Fisher & Fitz Frames
After completing a succesful pilot we can expand the Nouns X Fitz Frames Prescription Subscription to 3,000 Kids for $300,000
In addition we can pilot a Nounish Vision Van Program with Sergul Ezurum, MD, founder of Sight For All United who will spearhead this initiative in parternship with Vision To Learn. Together we will create a high tech, Nounish Vision Van Program and execute a years worth of exams covering 3-4,000 kids for $250,000
*there might be some overlap between NxFF Subscription Prescriptions and Sight For All United's program but they are not inclusive of each other.
Recap: Prop 12: Nouns x Fitz Frames Free Glasses For Kids v2:
Nouns x Fitz Free Glasses For Kids v2 was a huge success. We were able to visit 3 schools, complete 355 eye exams and dispense subscriptions for 285 kids in need, delivering a total of 391 custom fitted 3D printed Fitz Frames glasses to date.
We spent a significant effort developing Noun Frames which inspired other builders and led the way for FUN Frames and Fashion Frames to move into development.
Highlights & Updates:
Nouns Frames Pic|326x500, 50%
Nouns x Fitz Frames FGFK v4:
We want to do this again, but this time let’s do more!
Continuing our partnership with Fitz Frames & partnering with various vision screening and testing providers we will deliver 3,000 Nouns X Fitz Frames Prescription Subscriptions.
The Nouns X Fitz Frames Prescription Subscription, which provides free glasses for kids if they lose them, break them, grow out of them or just desires a new pair because their style changed, will be expanded to 3K kids. Using a propriatery in-app measurement and delivery system Fitz Frames removes the need for in-person fittings and shapings that require specialized equipment and gets the perfect custom fit 3D printed glasses for kids individual face shape and personal style. Our goal is to keep kids in glasses that fit and they're proud to wear, even as they change throughout the year.
Expanding the scale of this program will get us one step closer to our moon shot of creating a system where individual doctors around the world can plug in to and get free glasses for kids in need through the Nouns X Fitz Frames Prescription Subscription program.
As a pivot from a Nationwide Sponsorship for Vision To Learn we have the opportunity to work hand in hand with Sight For All United on launching a new Vision Van Program complete with a brand new van that we can collaborate together on to make it as Nounish as possible. This will allow us to peek under the hood, literally, at how Vision To Learn works and the impact these programs deliver to communities where they are available.
Nouns X Fitz Prescription Subscription - $300,000
Nounish Vision Van - $250,000
150K - Fitz Frames
150K - Nounish Vision Van Program / Sergul
PHASE 2: Fund second 50% of proposed allocation
150K - After delivery of 1K Prescription Subscriptions
100K - Nounish Vision Van Program - Paid upon delivery of the Van
Send $575K (~550ETH) equivalent of ETH to Fitz Frames Gnosis from v2. Added some cushion for volatility during prop window. Will work with Seneca to convert and then pay front end and send ETH balance back to the DAO. Will pay backend upon reaching benchmarks.
Gnosis Address: 0xC7C696c74490b1ae1b705d7A2a6058B5591DE641
Additional Opportunities
Press Opportunites
Between testing, fullfillment and event there are many opportunities for great press.
Fitz Frames our screening partners have great press contacts that we can talk with.
Branding on Fitz Frame Glasses
For the Nouns X Fitz Frams Prescription Subscription glasses we can include Nouns logo on the temples or even a Noun itself.
Could possibly upgrade to letting kids pick the noun they want.
Nounish Vision Van - Branding on Mobile Vision Clinic
We can work hand in hand on creating a wonderful Nounish Vision Van with Sight For All United.
Nounish Gift Packs for Kids
Nouns Gift Packs that can include mutually approved items such as FUN Frames, stickers, coloring books, keychain, and more.
Bigshot Toy Works has commmitted to helping find the right package and offered fullfillment. Will deterimine on a case by case basis which partners can deliver which items.
NounsDAO Grant Proposal
By Joshua Fisher & Fitz Frames
In celebration of the fact that every Noun is a glasses wearer, Fitz Frames would like to propose a perpetual funding allocation to deliver prescription eyeglasses to children in need.
Fitz Frames in partnership with Vision to Learn (as well as additional outreach partners) can deliver a no-cost eye exam plus an annual membership to Fitz Frames for children in need. A Fitz Frames membership includes two complete pairs of prescription eyeglasses with unlimited replacement frames should they lose, break, grow out of the glasses, or their prescription changes.
In addition to their Fitz Frames Membership each child will receive an additional free pair of Noun Frames, glasses that mimic the pair worn by their favorite Noun.
As an initial pilot program, we propose Nouns DAO allocate 9ETH (~$30,000 worth of ETH) to provide glasses to approximately 300 kids (aprox $100) per child. This will be done with in conjunction with our outreach partner Vision to Learn in an initial focus geography (probably Ohio and/or Detroit). Progress reports will be given to NounsDAO on an ongoing basis, but no less than once a quarter. The pilot program is expected to run approximately 90 days, but children will continue to receive replacement glasses for the full year as needed. The purpose of the pilot program is to validate and refine the offering and delivery process, with the goal of expanding the efforts nationwide and eventually internationally.
At the end of the initial pilot program, Fitz present the results of the program and will put to a vote either a continuation, expansion, or termination of the program.
Additionally, we request 2ETH in one-time funding to build outreach materials (print, animation, and website) directed towards schools to explain the program, Nouns, Fitz, and the underlying technology of blockchain, NFTs, and additive manufacturing.
Fitz would like to eventually build to a perpetual funding mechanism in order to expand our existing social good efforts and deliver eyewear on an ongoing basis to kids in need. In the interim, we’d like to propose a pilot program to prove out the model and refine delivery mechanism:
$30K allocation from Nouns treasury to provide approximately 300 no-cost vision tests plus Fitz Frames memberships to kids in need, initially in a limited geographical focus area.
Fitz will provide annual memberships at cost of $100)/kid/year discounted from $185. Annual Membership consists of two pairs of custom fit glasses plus unliminted replacements.
Fitz will provide an additional free pair of Noun Frames, mimicking their favorite Nouns, limited to an initial selection of 10 Noun options for the Pilot Program.
Vision to Learn, will identify recipients and provide no-cost eye exams within the geographical focus area. Initial prospects are Ohio and Detroit.
Initial Pilot Program is expected to run approximately 90 days, at which point Fitz will present a report of progress to the NounsDAO.
At that point the NounsDAO can vote to expand, continue, or suspend the pilot program.
Based on findings from the initial Pilot Program, elements can be refined including: delivery mechanism, offering, and outreach. Additionally, Fitz Frames will work to try and secure additional underwriting in order to extend the reach of the program. (possibly through Medicaid reimbursement, or local philanthropic partners)
In order to promote the program (and help surface Nouns to a wider public awareness) we propose dedicating an additional 2ETH to develop outreach materials including print, short form animation, and a dedicated website. This will target schools, the student recipients of glasses, and broader public. In addition to promotion of the program, this is an opportunity to introduce the technology elements underpinning both Nouns and Fitz Frames, and develop age-appropriate STEM curriculum for the kids who receive the glasses.
Nouns is a fantastic example of people leveraging technology to come together and build long-term value in perpetuity. Fitz leverages the power of technology to change the lives of kids. We think this is a natural partnership that would not only do a tremendous amount of good, but could serve as tangible application of blockchain doing tangible good. At Fitz, we believe that those who can see the world are the ones who can change the world. NounsDAO embodies this ethos completely, and we couldn’t imagine a better partner.
Noun Frames
Fitz will integrate Nouns Frames into their application so that users can pick their favorite Noun and receive glasses that mimic those frames as well as have the Noun itself printed on the side of the frames as well as the Noun number printed on the inside.
About Fitz:
Fitz Frames:
Fitz for Good - how Fitz has worked with VTL to provide glasses for kids in the past:
How Fitz has worked with Healthcare community to provide protective prescription eyewear to drs and nurses across the country -
Fitz in the Press - How we came to be and why we matter to kids -
About Vision 2 Learn:
By Jawshua Fisher & Fitz Frames
After completing a succesful pilot we can expand the Nouns X Fitz Frames Prescription Subscription to 3,000 Kids for $300,000
In addition we can pilot a Nounish Vision Van Program with Sergul Ezurum, MD, founder of Sight For All United who will spearhead this initiative in parternship with Vision To Learn. Together we will create a high tech, Nounish Vision Van Program and execute a years worth of exams covering 3-4,000 kids for $250,000
*there might be some overlap between NxFF Subscription Prescriptions and Sight For All United's program but they are not inclusive of each other.
Recap: Prop 12: Nouns x Fitz Frames Free Glasses For Kids v2:
Nouns x Fitz Free Glasses For Kids v2 was a huge success. We were able to visit 3 schools, complete 355 eye exams and dispense subscriptions for 285 kids in need, delivering a total of 391 custom fitted 3D printed Fitz Frames glasses to date.
We spent a significant effort developing Noun Frames which inspired other builders and led the way for FUN Frames and Fashion Frames to move into development.
Highlights & Updates:
Nouns Frames Pic|326x500, 50%
Nouns x Fitz Frames FGFK v4:
We want to do this again, but this time let’s do more!
Continuing our partnership with Fitz Frames & partnering with various vision screening and testing providers we will deliver 3,000 Nouns X Fitz Frames Prescription Subscriptions.
The Nouns X Fitz Frames Prescription Subscription, which provides free glasses for kids if they lose them, break them, grow out of them or just desires a new pair because their style changed, will be expanded to 3K kids. Using a propriatery in-app measurement and delivery system Fitz Frames removes the need for in-person fittings and shapings that require specialized equipment and gets the perfect custom fit 3D printed glasses for kids individual face shape and personal style. Our goal is to keep kids in glasses that fit and they're proud to wear, even as they change throughout the year.
Expanding the scale of this program will get us one step closer to our moon shot of creating a system where individual doctors around the world can plug in to and get free glasses for kids in need through the Nouns X Fitz Frames Prescription Subscription program.
As a pivot from a Nationwide Sponsorship for Vision To Learn we have the opportunity to work hand in hand with Sight For All United on launching a new Vision Van Program complete with a brand new van that we can collaborate together on to make it as Nounish as possible. This will allow us to peek under the hood, literally, at how Vision To Learn works and the impact these programs deliver to communities where they are available.
Nouns X Fitz Prescription Subscription - $300,000
Nounish Vision Van - $250,000
150K - Fitz Frames
150K - Nounish Vision Van Program / Sergul
PHASE 2: Fund second 50% of proposed allocation
150K - After delivery of 1K Prescription Subscriptions
100K - Nounish Vision Van Program - Paid upon delivery of the Van
Send $575K (~550ETH) equivalent of ETH to Fitz Frames Gnosis from v2. Added some cushion for volatility during prop window. Will work with Seneca to convert and then pay front end and send ETH balance back to the DAO. Will pay backend upon reaching benchmarks.
Gnosis Address: 0xC7C696c74490b1ae1b705d7A2a6058B5591DE641
Additional Opportunities
Press Opportunites
Between testing, fullfillment and event there are many opportunities for great press.
Fitz Frames our screening partners have great press contacts that we can talk with.
Branding on Fitz Frame Glasses
For the Nouns X Fitz Frams Prescription Subscription glasses we can include Nouns logo on the temples or even a Noun itself.
Could possibly upgrade to letting kids pick the noun they want.
Nounish Vision Van - Branding on Mobile Vision Clinic
We can work hand in hand on creating a wonderful Nounish Vision Van with Sight For All United.
Nounish Gift Packs for Kids
Nouns Gift Packs that can include mutually approved items such as FUN Frames, stickers, coloring books, keychain, and more.
Bigshot Toy Works has commmitted to helping find the right package and offered fullfillment. Will deterimine on a case by case basis which partners can deliver which items.
NounsDAO Grant Proposal
By Joshua Fisher & Fitz Frames
In celebration of the fact that every Noun is a glasses wearer, Fitz Frames would like to propose a perpetual funding allocation to deliver prescription eyeglasses to children in need.
Fitz Frames in partnership with Vision to Learn (as well as additional outreach partners) can deliver a no-cost eye exam plus an annual membership to Fitz Frames for children in need. A Fitz Frames membership includes two complete pairs of prescription eyeglasses with unlimited replacement frames should they lose, break, grow out of the glasses, or their prescription changes.
In addition to their Fitz Frames Membership each child will receive an additional free pair of Noun Frames, glasses that mimic the pair worn by their favorite Noun.
As an initial pilot program, we propose Nouns DAO allocate 9ETH (~$30,000 worth of ETH) to provide glasses to approximately 300 kids (aprox $100) per child. This will be done with in conjunction with our outreach partner Vision to Learn in an initial focus geography (probably Ohio and/or Detroit). Progress reports will be given to NounsDAO on an ongoing basis, but no less than once a quarter. The pilot program is expected to run approximately 90 days, but children will continue to receive replacement glasses for the full year as needed. The purpose of the pilot program is to validate and refine the offering and delivery process, with the goal of expanding the efforts nationwide and eventually internationally.
At the end of the initial pilot program, Fitz present the results of the program and will put to a vote either a continuation, expansion, or termination of the program.
Additionally, we request 2ETH in one-time funding to build outreach materials (print, animation, and website) directed towards schools to explain the program, Nouns, Fitz, and the underlying technology of blockchain, NFTs, and additive manufacturing.
Fitz would like to eventually build to a perpetual funding mechanism in order to expand our existing social good efforts and deliver eyewear on an ongoing basis to kids in need. In the interim, we’d like to propose a pilot program to prove out the model and refine delivery mechanism:
$30K allocation from Nouns treasury to provide approximately 300 no-cost vision tests plus Fitz Frames memberships to kids in need, initially in a limited geographical focus area.
Fitz will provide annual memberships at cost of $100)/kid/year discounted from $185. Annual Membership consists of two pairs of custom fit glasses plus unliminted replacements.
Fitz will provide an additional free pair of Noun Frames, mimicking their favorite Nouns, limited to an initial selection of 10 Noun options for the Pilot Program.
Vision to Learn, will identify recipients and provide no-cost eye exams within the geographical focus area. Initial prospects are Ohio and Detroit.
Initial Pilot Program is expected to run approximately 90 days, at which point Fitz will present a report of progress to the NounsDAO.
At that point the NounsDAO can vote to expand, continue, or suspend the pilot program.
Based on findings from the initial Pilot Program, elements can be refined including: delivery mechanism, offering, and outreach. Additionally, Fitz Frames will work to try and secure additional underwriting in order to extend the reach of the program. (possibly through Medicaid reimbursement, or local philanthropic partners)
In order to promote the program (and help surface Nouns to a wider public awareness) we propose dedicating an additional 2ETH to develop outreach materials including print, short form animation, and a dedicated website. This will target schools, the student recipients of glasses, and broader public. In addition to promotion of the program, this is an opportunity to introduce the technology elements underpinning both Nouns and Fitz Frames, and develop age-appropriate STEM curriculum for the kids who receive the glasses.
Nouns is a fantastic example of people leveraging technology to come together and build long-term value in perpetuity. Fitz leverages the power of technology to change the lives of kids. We think this is a natural partnership that would not only do a tremendous amount of good, but could serve as tangible application of blockchain doing tangible good. At Fitz, we believe that those who can see the world are the ones who can change the world. NounsDAO embodies this ethos completely, and we couldn’t imagine a better partner.
Noun Frames
Fitz will integrate Nouns Frames into their application so that users can pick their favorite Noun and receive glasses that mimic those frames as well as have the Noun itself printed on the side of the frames as well as the Noun number printed on the inside.
About Fitz:
Fitz Frames:
Fitz for Good - how Fitz has worked with VTL to provide glasses for kids in the past:
How Fitz has worked with Healthcare community to provide protective prescription eyewear to drs and nurses across the country -
Fitz in the Press - How we came to be and why we matter to kids -
About Vision 2 Learn: