10 ETH will be earmarked for contests themed around the Noun of the day.
45 ETH will go to community contributor rewards (biweekly retro rewards administered by CoordinApe rounds, modeled after Nouncil.)
We are a community of Nounish builders setting out to create a Daily Celebration of Noun O’ Clock called The Noun Square, administered by a Nouncil-like body and with the goal of proliferating Nouns by turning Noun O’ Clock into a “Shared Moment” for the entire Internet. We have successfully completed two week pilot using a combination of Small Grants and out-of-pocket funds for prizes (data from which which has informed this proposal)
For anyone who grew up in the 70s, 80s or 90s, “The Price is Right” holds a special place in our collective psyche. For over 50 years, its daily blend of ritual and play has entertained hundreds of thousands of people the world over. We believe Noun O’ Clock can recreate this kind of shared experience for web3.
Broad Goals:
Turn NOC into a daily shared global moment - develop a grass-root, organic, daily show that introduces more people to nouns & its thriving community & sub-communities. As well as creates a space in which our growing community can meet daily and share a live moment together.
Model our community on Nouncil - a collective of builders all over the globe with varied skillsets, collaborating to organize and administer a daily Twitter Spaces. We think that a decentralized community model can be the nounish way to scale a Noun O' Clock show!
Be consistent (”one NOC, every day, forever”) - Even in the deep NOC winter, we believe consistency is key to cementing NOC as a daily celebration for the Internet. We are planning ahead for this with hosts from all over the world.
*On weekends, we run a LITE version of The Noun Square featring only FOMO live, hosted by a different nounish community every Saturday (e.g. Lil Nouns and GOOP DAO the past two weeks, future guest hosts Nouns DAO Japan, Korean Noun Fans, NounPunks, FloriNouns, etc.)
Core Team (Responsible for Execution):
Council (Responsible for Decisions and Daily Direction)
Community (Talent Funnel for Council)
Our ask for the next 30 days is 55 ETH:
Because we intend to build this initiative as a community effort, we will be modeling our team reward, at least for the first period, on Nouncil’s proven model of a Coordinape round, where all active participants will allocate tokens based on contributions.** We think this will ultimately be a fairer and more frictionless way of properly rewarding the team than attempting to itemize every hour of effort, etc.
Based on our pilot, we estimated how many man-hours it takes to run a show like this every day. We think these are reasonable overall estimates.
Funds will go a new 3/6 gnosis safe, with the following signers:
Ser Noadz
Massive reach within 14 days!
(Excerpt Above from our Public Tracking/Planning Document.)
Inspired by 4156 ad-hoc contests a few weeks back, we have run 10 contests with really great engagement and wonderful creativity from noun lovers on twitter:
We are using POAPs to gamify NOC and create both engagement and loyalty. We feel that our use of Daily Attendance POAPs is the purest use case for the tech (literally “Proof of Attendance”) and we want to use them to incentivize people to attend Noun O’ Clock every single day if they can.
So far, it’s working! Ser Noadz has been creating amazing daily animated POAPs based on the new Noun of the Day and would continue to do so for the first month (after which we would explore other “Series” by other Nounish artists.)
We also want to experiment with doing bonuses like physical Merch drops for those with provable streaks of attendance, and raffles that are easier to win the more times you have attended.
Example Possible “The Noun Square” Merch Drop for Attendance Streaks:
The peak moment of The Noun Square is, of course, playing FOMO live and minting a new Noun together. When FOMO starts during the Twitter Space, we ask all speakers to unmute and speak their mind, to create as much chaos, interaction and fun as possible. The feedback so far has been that people have been loving it!
We have noticed anecdotally that FOMO seems to take longer on average with more players, until we hit that beautiful noun that reaches some consensus. We think the Nouns minted over the past week or so are especially legendary, and believe it’s related to our efforts to gamify FOMO and bring in new players.
The impressive roster of Nouns minted by FOMO since we started:
Grow our reach:
Potential challenges
In Conclusion:
Over the past two weeks, we have kicked off a tradition of making Noun O’ Clock a daily celebration, featuring live Twitter Spaces, interactive contests and special guests. So far, people love it. (See feedback section below)
We believe that, if given funding to execute our vision detailed here, we can bring new attention to Nouns and the daily auction every day, while also supporting extension and sub-DAO communities, and engaging active Nounish builders.
Let’s work together to make Noun O’ Clock into a shared moment for the Internet!
Feedback from attendees has been great:
“The Noun Square gives a much needed voice to what is Nounish. A platform to congregate daily, learn and vibe, uniting Nounsfolk, and beyond, around the world!” -Metamonk
“I don’t watch TV anymore, but I do miss the days when I would spend my evenings with David Letterman on the Late Show. It was home to me. And that is what the Noun O’ Clock team are doing right now. It definitely feels like home to me. ” -Leo Clark
“This event is now something that I want to do every single day. I am literally trying to figure out how to turn over my entire family's sleep schedule! Getting to hear my Nounish frens and what they are up to is amazing. This event has also proven to be a wonderful way for me to onboard new folks into Nouns. I leave this every day with dozens of new and Nounish ideas, and feeling great and motivated.” -!xargs
“Having a common and consistent place to gather for a Noun O’ Clock event is something folks need--a kind of programming schedule that they can tap into every day. The engagement events have been fun and accessible and rotating guests have been a good way to introduce folks to extension projects while celebrating the nouns in general! The POAPS are great and give a feeling of being part of the history of the noun minted that day..” -Sam Ellis
“For a couple months, I’ve tried to touch base in the Discord during FOMO as a fun way to interact with those in the Nouns eco system. Having this extended virtual event via Spaces has taken that to a whole new level! The Spaces, the guests (David Horvath!), the games, the prizes and the POAPs all bring different aspects of interaction, energy and motivation to attend. Unlike 20 years ago, we rarely have shared cultural experiences as a society anymore (think TV show series finales etc.) We have an opportunity to create one here that is open to everyone to enjoy on a global scale. How exciting!” - Prof Werder
10 ETH will be earmarked for contests themed around the Noun of the day.
45 ETH will go to community contributor rewards (biweekly retro rewards administered by CoordinApe rounds, modeled after Nouncil.)
We are a community of Nounish builders setting out to create a Daily Celebration of Noun O’ Clock called The Noun Square, administered by a Nouncil-like body and with the goal of proliferating Nouns by turning Noun O’ Clock into a “Shared Moment” for the entire Internet. We have successfully completed two week pilot using a combination of Small Grants and out-of-pocket funds for prizes (data from which which has informed this proposal)
For anyone who grew up in the 70s, 80s or 90s, “The Price is Right” holds a special place in our collective psyche. For over 50 years, its daily blend of ritual and play has entertained hundreds of thousands of people the world over. We believe Noun O’ Clock can recreate this kind of shared experience for web3.
Broad Goals:
Turn NOC into a daily shared global moment - develop a grass-root, organic, daily show that introduces more people to nouns & its thriving community & sub-communities. As well as creates a space in which our growing community can meet daily and share a live moment together.
Model our community on Nouncil - a collective of builders all over the globe with varied skillsets, collaborating to organize and administer a daily Twitter Spaces. We think that a decentralized community model can be the nounish way to scale a Noun O' Clock show!
Be consistent (”one NOC, every day, forever”) - Even in the deep NOC winter, we believe consistency is key to cementing NOC as a daily celebration for the Internet. We are planning ahead for this with hosts from all over the world.
*On weekends, we run a LITE version of The Noun Square featring only FOMO live, hosted by a different nounish community every Saturday (e.g. Lil Nouns and GOOP DAO the past two weeks, future guest hosts Nouns DAO Japan, Korean Noun Fans, NounPunks, FloriNouns, etc.)
Core Team (Responsible for Execution):
Council (Responsible for Decisions and Daily Direction)
Community (Talent Funnel for Council)
Our ask for the next 30 days is 55 ETH:
Because we intend to build this initiative as a community effort, we will be modeling our team reward, at least for the first period, on Nouncil’s proven model of a Coordinape round, where all active participants will allocate tokens based on contributions.** We think this will ultimately be a fairer and more frictionless way of properly rewarding the team than attempting to itemize every hour of effort, etc.
Based on our pilot, we estimated how many man-hours it takes to run a show like this every day. We think these are reasonable overall estimates.
Funds will go a new 3/6 gnosis safe, with the following signers:
Ser Noadz
Massive reach within 14 days!
(Excerpt Above from our Public Tracking/Planning Document.)
Inspired by 4156 ad-hoc contests a few weeks back, we have run 10 contests with really great engagement and wonderful creativity from noun lovers on twitter:
We are using POAPs to gamify NOC and create both engagement and loyalty. We feel that our use of Daily Attendance POAPs is the purest use case for the tech (literally “Proof of Attendance”) and we want to use them to incentivize people to attend Noun O’ Clock every single day if they can.
So far, it’s working! Ser Noadz has been creating amazing daily animated POAPs based on the new Noun of the Day and would continue to do so for the first month (after which we would explore other “Series” by other Nounish artists.)
We also want to experiment with doing bonuses like physical Merch drops for those with provable streaks of attendance, and raffles that are easier to win the more times you have attended.
Example Possible “The Noun Square” Merch Drop for Attendance Streaks:
The peak moment of The Noun Square is, of course, playing FOMO live and minting a new Noun together. When FOMO starts during the Twitter Space, we ask all speakers to unmute and speak their mind, to create as much chaos, interaction and fun as possible. The feedback so far has been that people have been loving it!
We have noticed anecdotally that FOMO seems to take longer on average with more players, until we hit that beautiful noun that reaches some consensus. We think the Nouns minted over the past week or so are especially legendary, and believe it’s related to our efforts to gamify FOMO and bring in new players.
The impressive roster of Nouns minted by FOMO since we started:
Grow our reach:
Potential challenges
In Conclusion:
Over the past two weeks, we have kicked off a tradition of making Noun O’ Clock a daily celebration, featuring live Twitter Spaces, interactive contests and special guests. So far, people love it. (See feedback section below)
We believe that, if given funding to execute our vision detailed here, we can bring new attention to Nouns and the daily auction every day, while also supporting extension and sub-DAO communities, and engaging active Nounish builders.
Let’s work together to make Noun O’ Clock into a shared moment for the Internet!
Feedback from attendees has been great:
“The Noun Square gives a much needed voice to what is Nounish. A platform to congregate daily, learn and vibe, uniting Nounsfolk, and beyond, around the world!” -Metamonk
“I don’t watch TV anymore, but I do miss the days when I would spend my evenings with David Letterman on the Late Show. It was home to me. And that is what the Noun O’ Clock team are doing right now. It definitely feels like home to me. ” -Leo Clark
“This event is now something that I want to do every single day. I am literally trying to figure out how to turn over my entire family's sleep schedule! Getting to hear my Nounish frens and what they are up to is amazing. This event has also proven to be a wonderful way for me to onboard new folks into Nouns. I leave this every day with dozens of new and Nounish ideas, and feeling great and motivated.” -!xargs
“Having a common and consistent place to gather for a Noun O’ Clock event is something folks need--a kind of programming schedule that they can tap into every day. The engagement events have been fun and accessible and rotating guests have been a good way to introduce folks to extension projects while celebrating the nouns in general! The POAPS are great and give a feeling of being part of the history of the noun minted that day..” -Sam Ellis
“For a couple months, I’ve tried to touch base in the Discord during FOMO as a fun way to interact with those in the Nouns eco system. Having this extended virtual event via Spaces has taken that to a whole new level! The Spaces, the guests (David Horvath!), the games, the prizes and the POAPs all bring different aspects of interaction, energy and motivation to attend. Unlike 20 years ago, we rarely have shared cultural experiences as a society anymore (think TV show series finales etc.) We have an opportunity to create one here that is open to everyone to enjoy on a global scale. How exciting!” - Prof Werder